PCOD Challenges After Marriage: Causes, prevention, and Effective Treatment

Are you or someone you know battling with PCOS after tying the knot? Let’s talk about the challenges that may not be visible on the surface, the reasons behind them, how to recognize the signs and symptoms, and most importantly, in the end, effective treatments that can bring relief and hope.

PCOS is a very common issue in women all over the world. Almost one in five women already suffer from this condition even without knowing about it, even if they have normal menstrual cycles. In a normal menstrual cycle, women release mature eggs from their two ovaries alternatively each month.

But in PCOS women, the ovaries release immature eggs that are not ready for fertilization and become small sac-filled fluid which is later called cysts. Due to these cysts ovaries became larger and produced the excess of male hormone called androgen. Due to the presence of this hormone, various symptoms are shown like excessive weight gain, hair loss, male pattern hairs, irregular periods, and acne, which makes it difficult for women to get pregnant. In some cases, this may lead to infertility in women.

Join us on this journey as I will discuss why women experience PCOS after marriage in depth, their uncertainties, and how to resolve this condition effectively.

But wait, first understand whether you have PCOS or PCOD.

PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disorder) and PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) both are related but different conditions. PCOS and PCOD both include hormonal imbalances, irregular periods, and cysts. PCOS is mostly related to higher androgen levels which leads to symptoms like excessive hair growth and acne. While PCOD is related to the presence of cysts in the ovaries which may be multiple cysts in some cases. Both conditions can lead to infertility in women and require proper careful management.

PCOS after marriage comes with different challenges and its symptoms and treatments may vary from person to person. In this condition along with the treatment, communication and emotional support between partners play a positive role in this challenge in life.


Women with PCOS after marriage can worsen the condition or sometimes women can develop PCOS after marriage due to some major reasons which are as follows :

  1. WEIGHT FLUCTUATIONS: Women may gain weight after marriage. The reason behind this is the change of hormones, change in diet and marital satisfaction are some major reasons. Rapid weight fluctuations can cause an increase in the production of estrogen hormone in the body which may lead to irregular periods, missed menstrual cycles, or heavy periods. Rapid weight loss also has the same impact as rapid weight gain. So if you have rapid weight gain after marriage don’t go with extreme dieting it may worsen the condition. Do it slowly.
  2. STRESS: Stress plays a major role in worsening the condition of PCOS after marriage. Stress can cause the body to produce the hormone cortisol in excess which in turn leads to the imbalance of hormones which regulates the period’s cycle. To avoid any kind of stress do meditation, yoga, walk, spend time doing what you love, get proper sleep, and do anything which will help you to relieve your stress.
  3. CONTRACEPTIVE PILLS: You may experience irregular periods if you start taking contraceptive pills. These pills prevent your body from producing hormones which is involved in ovulation and menstruation which lead to irregular periods missed periods or even stopped periods. If you stop using this your body starts to adjust hormones naturally within 3 to 6 months and your periods become normal. In case it’s not happen then you need to consult a doctor.
  4. DIETARY MODIFICATIONS: After marriage, moving into a new home can cause dietary changes which can affect directly hormones in the body. You are not getting enough nutrition or the right nutrition to your body which in turn fluctuates your hormones and causes PCOS symptoms.  


Here are some of the 5 most useful tips for the prevention of PCOS after marriage.

Lifestyle modification: Lifestyle modification includes exercise, proper sleep, and healthy eating habits. You must detox your body by going gluten and dairy-free diet to help reduce inflammation caused by PCOS. Adding low cardio workouts to your daily routine early morning and walking in the evening for at least 30 minutes. Or walking 10 minutes after every meal helps a lot.

Weight management: Weight management must be an important factor for PCOS. PCOS causes weight gain easily and is very difficult when it comes to lose weight. However, the addition of a good diet and multivitamins as well as some exercise and walking can help in PCOS patient’s weight loss. 

Nutrient-rich diet: Add a high amount of protein to your diet to decrease insulin resistance caused by PCOS. Taking at least 30 grams of protein in your breakfast daily helps improve insulin resistance caused by PCOS, also prevents cravings, boosts metabolism, reducing a blood sugar spike. Avoid gluten and dairy products as they may worsen the symptoms of PCOS. Adding more fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet. Also adding some herbs like curcumin in your diet to prevent chronic inflammation. Adding some multivitamins along with a healthy diet helps in recovering from PCOS symptoms, like omega-3 fish oil supplements, zinc supplements, magnesium supplements, and good multivitamins.

Stress management: Stress can play a major role in hormonal imbalances which results in PCOS after marriage. So try to avoid stress by doing some yoga or meditation exercises, and breathing exercises early morning. Meditation for 5 minutes daily reduces stress which helps in reducing the stress hormone cortisol, which improves insulin sensitivity and thus improves PCOS symptoms and weight loss.

Communication: Communication can play a vital role in PCOS caused after marriage. Your partner helps regulate your mood swings and makes you feel better about yourself. As it’s a rollercoaster ride for a female sometimes she feels so low and depressed due to hormonal issues so spending time with each other and communicating makes her feel better and helps in her recovery.

Effective Treatment Options

While PCOS cannot be cured, it can be managed properly, although various treatment options can help manage symptoms and improve quality of life. From medications to hormonal therapy, from natural cure methods like seed cycling it’s essential to work closely with healthcare professionals to find the right treatment plan for your condition according to the signs and symptoms your body is showing.

Managing PCOS Together as a Couple

PCOS is a journey that both partners go along together. Open communication, empathy, physical and emotional support towards your partner, and mutual support are some key factors in overcoming challenges and strengthening the bond between spouses.

Conception Challenges and Solutions

For couples struggling with fertility issues due to PCOS, exploring alternative conception methods such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intrauterine insemination (IUI) can bring hope of building a family.

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